Sunday, October 23, 2011

The "I am" of Co-Creation

What would happen if you read this poster out loud every day for 30 days? How would your life be different? How would your outlook on life change? How would your thoughts about yourself change?

This success poster was on my IGoogle page and I just had to share it with you.The words "I am" hold enormous power in creating who you are, what you do, what you experience, and what you have.

The Bible says that God is  "The Great I am" He spoke "I am that... I am".  Meaning God/Universe/ Divine whatever you refer the highest power, creates based on this command. So when you speak or think those two powerfully, co-creative words you begin to create or send into action whatever comes after them. For instance, when you constantly say "I'm tired" you are sending a signal to the Universe or declaring that "tired" is what you are and what you desire. As a result the Universe always delivers and always answers and you begin to experience more tiredness.

So back to the poster,  if every moment is an opportunity to create a new life, just think of how awesomely wonderful and interesting these days of being 40+ would be if we embraced the "I ams" on the poster.

What would you accomplish? What would you do differently?
How would you be changed?  Let me know if your up for the challenge. Send me an email of comment below.

Until next time.

Peace and Ease,


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Going with the flow

There comes a point in life when your tired and you've had enough of fighting, struggling, and trying to control the outcomes.
I'm there now.
The mid-forties have worn me down and made me weary.
What used to be so important to me doesn't matter any more.
Circumstances and relationships appear to be rapidly changing.
Or maybe I'm rapidly changing.
Either way, I surrender to it and just allow it to be.
Knowing, hoping, and believing that what emerges has definitely got to be better than what existed before.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

What are You Creating?

First, I'm back!  I took a hiatus re-structure and to really get clear about what of value that I could share with you in this format.  Here are some of my thoughts and ponderings.

Today's topic is CREATING.

The definition of creating is "to bring into existence".  The topic was brought to mind by one of my favorite quotes by an unknown author that I keep on my desk.  And the obession by a number of us 40+ ladies
to re-create or reinvent our lives in some way or fasion.

The quote states "Life isn't about finding yourself . Life is about creating yourself".

While I love this quote, it really made me ask myself some questions about it's meaning. Here some of my self-posed questions about creating myself:

1. Why hadn't I heard of this earlier in life? Because if I would have, I wouldn't have spent so long trying to find myself in jobs, hobbies, businesses, relationships, etc.... Ugggh!

2.What do I really want to create? I mean how do I sift through all of the "I wants" that pop into my head all day long? How do I get to the "real" stuff that matters to me; the "real" wants that would make the biggest difference in my life right now?

3. How do I create or re-create myself. I wasn't necessarily born with an instructional manual on this topic. Where do I start when there are so many areas for self-improvement that I have identified?

For me the process towards a solution of looks like this:

1. Identify and get real with myself about the things, situations, behaviors, and even people that are the source of my most nagging discomfort. By discomfort I'm talking about anything that takes you out of your natural joyous and happy place. *Note if it's now comfort; it's discomfort. So this could be feelings of frustration, anger, sadness, disappointment, being overwhelmed, and that nagging annoyance we all can experience from time to time. It can also be that source of negative self talk that greets you in the morning  or that ever present "should" that is always haunting you.

2. Now that I have a target or something to focus on and work with I begin to think about what is the opposite of it. Because if this is discomfort than the opposite has to be more comfort or relief, right? And from what I've been reading and studying when you are moving in a direction of what feels good or more comfortable you are moving in the direction of your "Good". And moving towards that "Good" creates opportunities for more "Good" to occur. And creating "Good" in whatever form I want is what my ultimate goal is.

3. From here I think of just one activity or step that I can take to get me a little closer to my "Good",  give me a little more comfort, a little more ease, or a little more less stress, etc...  Baby steps nothing big or difficult because that will just set me up for failure. And I don't know about you but I've had enough of those. More of the topic failure on another post too. Smile.

4. Then I make it time bound. The faster I begin take action the better I feel and it helps me not to procrastinate (that's an entirely different subject for a post too). I then determine what  I can and I'm willing to do within the next 3 minutes to jump start my process, the next three hours, and the next 3 days  and so on. For me this helps me to make progress towards "creating" what I want in a manageable and practical way. Why the number 3 you ask? It's my favorite number and it feels good to me.

So that's how I manage creating or re-creating myself.  How do you do it?

Until next time-

Passion, Power, and Live on Purpose!


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Five Questions to Spark Your Motivation

Hello All-

We are well into the first quarter of the new year and moving along on our new year goals. However, there may be a need to keep your motivation going. I know I definitely need to keep mine going. It's amazing how other things can get in the way and deter me from getting to what I intended or how I can almost talk my way out of working towards my goals.

So to help keep you motivated, here are a couple of self-coaching questions from my director at the Coaching Academy of North America that I'd like to share with you:

1.What will make today awesome?
2. How can I make this task or activity fun?
3.At the end of the day, what do I want to have accomplished?
4.What can I do today to make a difference for someone?
5. What would make the biggest impact on my goal today and what's one thing that I could do?

Asking a question is an effective way to motivate yourself because it shifts your thinking into the problem solving mode.

These are just five questions to get you started. I'm sure there are others that you could think of as well.

Personally, number three is my favorite. By asking that question in the morning, I'm more likely to get things done in my personal, professional, and social life.

Until Next Time,


Sunday, August 29, 2010

High Expectations


I'm back and I've got a lot to say/share on the topics of  living with Passion, Power, and on Purpose in our 40+ years AND the whole Life Re-Launch concept.

First let me start with what's been going on lately.
So I've been reading "Committed" by Elizabeth Gilbert in which she examines the subject of marriage. This book is the sequel to the famous "Eat, Pray, Love "book.

Upon reading this book and life observations, I've come to the conclusion that by the time we are in our 40's we've had  a number experiences in the romantic love relationship department. We've experienced good times, happy times, blissful times, bad times, losses, hurts and disappointments in the form of break ups, divorces, or maybe having not found our "one" yet. And as some of us choose to endeavor forward seeking our ideal love relationship, we really need to  "real" about what we expect someone to be for us and to us. I say ideal but  I'm really talking about a realistic "ideal" love relationship.

No one is going meet all of our expectations  and fill our every desire. Think about it this way, it's impossible and not fair. You've been making a list for a while now if not literally but figuratively of  what you expect this relationship will provide or be to your life. That's alot of pressure to put on one person and a lot of pressure that you're placing on yourself.

The Solution: Get really clear, I mean really clear about  what's truly important in your ideal love relationship. AND just as important look at your other current relationships in your life, I bet some your expectations are already being filled there. For example, your close friends share certain hobbies with you. Do you really expect your ideal love to share every single one of your hobbie? Would you want that expectation place on you? I think not.
Define for yourself realistically what characteristics your "good" man or woman has. And when you do think of how you'd feel if you had to have those characteristics too. It may just make you think differently about all of those high expectations And you may just attract exactly what you need. Smile.

Peace and Ease,


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Spring: The Season for Rebirth and Renewal

It's Spring! The sun seems brighter and warmer. The flowers and grass seem so much more vibrant and fragrant. Everything appears brand new, refreshed, and renewed. For some reason you can't help but smile and be a happy- feeling like you are awakened from a deep winter's sleep. The sun feels so good it warms your skin deep down into your soul. Spring is ushering in a rebirth.

This magical season calls for inspired cleansing- time to get rid of the old, the stagnant, and the out-dated. It's the time to open up to new possibilities and opportunities. Are you ready? Are you willing?

Here are some coaching questions for living fierce in your forties for you to consider:

1. What are you willing to let go of so that you can experience a renewal today? Is it a way of thinking, an uhealthy behavior, ignoring of a dream or desire to be, do, or have something you really want?

2. What new possibilities, opportunities, and ideas are presenting themselves?

3. Are you willing to allow and to support their growth?

4. Where in your life are feeling an under current of discontent, the evidence of a need for change? Is it   in your wanting:
       A love/intimate relationship?
       Deepening Spiritual connection?
       To know and live in your individual purpose?
       To express and realize a dream or a goal that you've put off?
       To grow or change your current career?

What can and will you do in the next 24 hours to let in your Spring renewal? You deserve it right?
You have nothing to loose and everything to gain.

If don't want to do it alone and would like support- I'm here to partner with you. Contact me today!

Peace and Ease,




Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Love Is In The Air

Yay, it's February! The time for Love.

Everywhere you look you see red hearts, cupids, roses, and candies. Armour definitely in the air. The commercial emphasis on all this love started me thinking. So I decided to share some of my thoughts with you.
It's interesting to note that there is a huge emphasis on the outward expression of love; the love we have and express for others.  Don't get me wrong the love of others is an absolutely wonderful thing. However, I'm most interested in the common denominator in all of our relationships...ourselves. What are we doing to express more authentic love for ourselves?

Are we going to take advantage of this time period to launch the absolutely best decade of our lives? Are we using the wisdom  and lessons gained through experiences, relationships, successes, and so called failures to make this the right time to create the greatest love affair with ourselves? 

Hmmmm think about that, the greatest love affair with yourself.

I invite you to explore that option by considering the following questions to journal about or just ponder:
What do I really want?
What would make the biggest difference in my life right now?
What do I need to allow in?
What do I need to let go of?
What am I ignoring?
How can I gift myself with more peace, joy, and comfort?
What is my physical body calling for? Is it more rest, more physical activity, better nutrition, or some pampering?
What is my soul wanting to do? Is it write, create, dance, serve, or expand in knowledge?
What is my Spirit saying ? Be still, get quiet, trust, or forgive?
Cheers to your greatest love affair,