Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Wait Is Over

Sharing the same title as one of Rihanna's new songs, I thought that was a fitting subject for my inaugural post.

The the 4th decade (numerically the 5th but I like calling it the 4th) is a time of re-assessment  and re-invention. But especially so for women - the original creators. 

There is something about the magical 40's that makes us want to take a step back and compare where we thought we wanted to: be, do or have by now to what we really have in our lives.  And we really start to notice that GAP. The more we ignore this urge for something more, better, different... a  Re-Fresh. The more discontent, anxious, and agitated we get.

We're a good mom, good employee, good significant other, good church/center member, good friend, good neighbor, etc... But we start to ask ourselves "What about My passions, My aspirations, My interests, My wellbeing, My happines, and My joy?". What about Being Good to Me? What about My Dreams?

Although we ask these questions many times we tell ourselves "Oh, I'll just Wait until... then I'll write my book, start my business, change careers, find my soul mate, take that trip, or spend more time on developing a closer connection to Spirit".  Does this kinda sound like you?  
Well, I stopped by to tell you THE WAIT IS OVER!

Right here, right now is the perfect time to for you to close that GAP between where you are and where you want to be. All it it takes is one moment. Let me tell you how.
  1.  Decide to make this year the jump start to the best decade of your life.
  2.  Choose one thing, one goal  that would give you more comfort, peace, joy, and/or relief.
  3.  Take one small step towards that goal every day.

Try it today, try it this week, try it this month, and watch how your life really begins to open up.

Until next time...

Live Fabulously Fierce,


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