Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Love Is In The Air

Yay, it's February! The time for Love.

Everywhere you look you see red hearts, cupids, roses, and candies. Armour definitely in the air. The commercial emphasis on all this love started me thinking. So I decided to share some of my thoughts with you.
It's interesting to note that there is a huge emphasis on the outward expression of love; the love we have and express for others.  Don't get me wrong the love of others is an absolutely wonderful thing. However, I'm most interested in the common denominator in all of our relationships...ourselves. What are we doing to express more authentic love for ourselves?

Are we going to take advantage of this time period to launch the absolutely best decade of our lives? Are we using the wisdom  and lessons gained through experiences, relationships, successes, and so called failures to make this the right time to create the greatest love affair with ourselves? 

Hmmmm think about that, the greatest love affair with yourself.

I invite you to explore that option by considering the following questions to journal about or just ponder:
What do I really want?
What would make the biggest difference in my life right now?
What do I need to allow in?
What do I need to let go of?
What am I ignoring?
How can I gift myself with more peace, joy, and comfort?
What is my physical body calling for? Is it more rest, more physical activity, better nutrition, or some pampering?
What is my soul wanting to do? Is it write, create, dance, serve, or expand in knowledge?
What is my Spirit saying ? Be still, get quiet, trust, or forgive?
Cheers to your greatest love affair,

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