Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Spring: The Season for Rebirth and Renewal

It's Spring! The sun seems brighter and warmer. The flowers and grass seem so much more vibrant and fragrant. Everything appears brand new, refreshed, and renewed. For some reason you can't help but smile and be a happy- feeling like you are awakened from a deep winter's sleep. The sun feels so good it warms your skin deep down into your soul. Spring is ushering in a rebirth.

This magical season calls for inspired cleansing- time to get rid of the old, the stagnant, and the out-dated. It's the time to open up to new possibilities and opportunities. Are you ready? Are you willing?

Here are some coaching questions for living fierce in your forties for you to consider:

1. What are you willing to let go of so that you can experience a renewal today? Is it a way of thinking, an uhealthy behavior, ignoring of a dream or desire to be, do, or have something you really want?

2. What new possibilities, opportunities, and ideas are presenting themselves?

3. Are you willing to allow and to support their growth?

4. Where in your life are feeling an under current of discontent, the evidence of a need for change? Is it   in your wanting:
       A love/intimate relationship?
       Deepening Spiritual connection?
       To know and live in your individual purpose?
       To express and realize a dream or a goal that you've put off?
       To grow or change your current career?

What can and will you do in the next 24 hours to let in your Spring renewal? You deserve it right?
You have nothing to loose and everything to gain.

If don't want to do it alone and would like support- I'm here to partner with you. Contact me today!

Peace and Ease,




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