Sunday, August 29, 2010

High Expectations


I'm back and I've got a lot to say/share on the topics of  living with Passion, Power, and on Purpose in our 40+ years AND the whole Life Re-Launch concept.

First let me start with what's been going on lately.
So I've been reading "Committed" by Elizabeth Gilbert in which she examines the subject of marriage. This book is the sequel to the famous "Eat, Pray, Love "book.

Upon reading this book and life observations, I've come to the conclusion that by the time we are in our 40's we've had  a number experiences in the romantic love relationship department. We've experienced good times, happy times, blissful times, bad times, losses, hurts and disappointments in the form of break ups, divorces, or maybe having not found our "one" yet. And as some of us choose to endeavor forward seeking our ideal love relationship, we really need to  "real" about what we expect someone to be for us and to us. I say ideal but  I'm really talking about a realistic "ideal" love relationship.

No one is going meet all of our expectations  and fill our every desire. Think about it this way, it's impossible and not fair. You've been making a list for a while now if not literally but figuratively of  what you expect this relationship will provide or be to your life. That's alot of pressure to put on one person and a lot of pressure that you're placing on yourself.

The Solution: Get really clear, I mean really clear about  what's truly important in your ideal love relationship. AND just as important look at your other current relationships in your life, I bet some your expectations are already being filled there. For example, your close friends share certain hobbies with you. Do you really expect your ideal love to share every single one of your hobbie? Would you want that expectation place on you? I think not.
Define for yourself realistically what characteristics your "good" man or woman has. And when you do think of how you'd feel if you had to have those characteristics too. It may just make you think differently about all of those high expectations And you may just attract exactly what you need. Smile.

Peace and Ease,


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