Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Five Questions to Spark Your Motivation

Hello All-

We are well into the first quarter of the new year and moving along on our new year goals. However, there may be a need to keep your motivation going. I know I definitely need to keep mine going. It's amazing how other things can get in the way and deter me from getting to what I intended or how I can almost talk my way out of working towards my goals.

So to help keep you motivated, here are a couple of self-coaching questions from my director at the Coaching Academy of North America that I'd like to share with you:

1.What will make today awesome?
2. How can I make this task or activity fun?
3.At the end of the day, what do I want to have accomplished?
4.What can I do today to make a difference for someone?
5. What would make the biggest impact on my goal today and what's one thing that I could do?

Asking a question is an effective way to motivate yourself because it shifts your thinking into the problem solving mode.

These are just five questions to get you started. I'm sure there are others that you could think of as well.

Personally, number three is my favorite. By asking that question in the morning, I'm more likely to get things done in my personal, professional, and social life.

Until Next Time,


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