Tuesday, May 10, 2011

What are You Creating?

First, I'm back!  I took a hiatus re-structure and to really get clear about what of value that I could share with you in this format.  Here are some of my thoughts and ponderings.

Today's topic is CREATING.

The definition of creating is "to bring into existence".  The topic was brought to mind by one of my favorite quotes by an unknown author that I keep on my desk.  And the obession by a number of us 40+ ladies
to re-create or reinvent our lives in some way or fasion.

The quote states "Life isn't about finding yourself . Life is about creating yourself".

While I love this quote, it really made me ask myself some questions about it's meaning. Here some of my self-posed questions about creating myself:

1. Why hadn't I heard of this earlier in life? Because if I would have, I wouldn't have spent so long trying to find myself in jobs, hobbies, businesses, relationships, etc.... Ugggh!

2.What do I really want to create? I mean how do I sift through all of the "I wants" that pop into my head all day long? How do I get to the "real" stuff that matters to me; the "real" wants that would make the biggest difference in my life right now?

3. How do I create or re-create myself. I wasn't necessarily born with an instructional manual on this topic. Where do I start when there are so many areas for self-improvement that I have identified?

For me the process towards a solution of looks like this:

1. Identify and get real with myself about the things, situations, behaviors, and even people that are the source of my most nagging discomfort. By discomfort I'm talking about anything that takes you out of your natural joyous and happy place. *Note if it's now comfort; it's discomfort. So this could be feelings of frustration, anger, sadness, disappointment, being overwhelmed, and that nagging annoyance we all can experience from time to time. It can also be that source of negative self talk that greets you in the morning  or that ever present "should" that is always haunting you.

2. Now that I have a target or something to focus on and work with I begin to think about what is the opposite of it. Because if this is discomfort than the opposite has to be more comfort or relief, right? And from what I've been reading and studying when you are moving in a direction of what feels good or more comfortable you are moving in the direction of your "Good". And moving towards that "Good" creates opportunities for more "Good" to occur. And creating "Good" in whatever form I want is what my ultimate goal is.

3. From here I think of just one activity or step that I can take to get me a little closer to my "Good",  give me a little more comfort, a little more ease, or a little more less stress, etc...  Baby steps nothing big or difficult because that will just set me up for failure. And I don't know about you but I've had enough of those. More of the topic failure on another post too. Smile.

4. Then I make it time bound. The faster I begin take action the better I feel and it helps me not to procrastinate (that's an entirely different subject for a post too). I then determine what  I can and I'm willing to do within the next 3 minutes to jump start my process, the next three hours, and the next 3 days  and so on. For me this helps me to make progress towards "creating" what I want in a manageable and practical way. Why the number 3 you ask? It's my favorite number and it feels good to me.

So that's how I manage creating or re-creating myself.  How do you do it?

Until next time-

Passion, Power, and Live on Purpose!


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